No Remorse Stuck on Level 1


New member
Hey, it seems so pathetic that I get stuck on level 1 already, but I did. I entered this room where there are reactors surrounding me and the forcefield came on behind me, and I can't get out. I turned off the alarm, and theres three janitors with their hands up, and I don't know what to do. I've tried everything, like blowing up the reactors, and killing the janitors, but nothing seems to work. Any help on this would be appreciated, thankyou!
Are you in a kind of high tech looking area?  If so I think I know where you are.  Try to place your blast pac on the platform next to the central reactor.  If not, give us a bit more description on what you just did so we can pin you down.
Yes, that central reactor won't go down! I've placed 5 det packs on the thing, and it won't budge. Unless I need a different blast pack? If so, where should I find it?
You were given one at the start of the mission.  It's the white thing in your inventory with the green, red, and blue lights on it.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I'm having a nervous breakdown. I just looked and I DO have that thing, I could have sworn to GOD that I tried all of my inventory on that, and now you say that I had that all along??!?@??! I just REALIZED that I had that all along...I'm going crazy, I swear..I can't belive that I didn't see that..oh shit, I'm mental...
I did that the first time I played through the game.  It took me ages to figure out what I had to do.  I actually went back and started the mission from the start because I was convinced I'd missed something.  Ah, fun times.