No Regret No Regret music help

Somewhere halfway through Mission 10 ... you have to activate the teleporter to go to the next level ... but there is another one already active.

If you go through the already active one, the music changes for all that zone. At the end, there's  another teleporter that takes you to the same place the "regular" teleporter takes you, and the music changes back to the normal mission soundtrack.

Going through  the telepad you activate doesn't change the soundtrack, so it was pretty clear that it is at least a "special" section. Can't remember anything worth noting on that one, except the guards were very heavily armed.
I think I know which telepads you mean. The not active one is a shortcut. If you take the already active one you have to fight your way through yet another level of highly armed guards, there was not anything special about it, it just made the game a bit more tougher. Usually I took that route since I wanted to move through as much areas as possible but on No Regret mode I took the shortcut.
I know how you feel. I always want to destroy as much of the WEC as I possibly can.
Well, we have several choices as how to do that. Any preference in the weapon used? I always liked the BK-16, freezing people to absolute zero is just cool...not to mention they shatter nicely. Can you say "Hasta la vista" in a Schwarzenegger accent?
GTCG link said:
Long time since i've played it, but I do remember that after u get out of the elevator in mission 8(second part of this mission), that song starts playing indeed.

Perhaps a bit late, but I just reached the second half of mission 8 and can confirm Dimension 2012 (M01 from No Remorse) plays.