No Regret Box Scans


Staff member
Thanks to mcheu again, we have high-res No Regret box scans! No more MobyGames watermarks! The box sides will be added to our PDF versions soon. Thanks again!

For the next update, I will try to get the No Remorse Topline Newsletter scanned. However, my scanner is unbelievably small, so it will not be a great one-page scan like mcheu's No Regret Topline scan. If you can help me out, please e-mail us!
My scanner isn't that big.  The Topline:Regret scans were done on a regular size flatbed scanner.  Each page was scanned as 4 pages and then joined.  The hard part was joining them, as it involved rotating the pages a little at a time and matching them up with a parent picture through trial and error before finally pasting them on.  It's a rather time consuming process but you can probably do it too.  I used Paintshop Pro, but it can be done in most photo editor programs.  You don't need a huge scanner or to blow a big wad on photoshop to do it.
Mcheu scanned us the Topline Newsletter shortly after this update, so you don't have to do it.  ;)