Just a teaser for what I'm working on

Cyberion link said:
ohhh very, very nice Candy! This looks like candy ;) hehehehe

Btw are you using procedural textures for the barrel? I mean no image map, all computer generated? Would like to see some pre-alpha build and walk around. Looks so cool!

No, the barrel texture was hand-made in the Gimp, with CrazyBump extracting a normal map & a specular map from the colors I designed. I'm still in most dire need of artists who can make decent art, in particular textures.

Right now I'm modifying some engine internals so that the single particle stream can be driven from the game-logic instead of from a hack location :). That way, I'll be able to put down flame sources and they'll regulate themselves. Then, a valve could be added to control its flow of fire too.
And again, to tease.


I've added more content, fleshed out the first level in more detail. This is a flythrough of about the first minute. To note is that the engine *still* renders everything even if it can't possibly be visible and hence pushes 4.5 million polygons per frame, while running at 30 frames per second.

This also remarks the first time it runs on an Ati card. More graphics artifacts due to that; they'll be fixed later on.

For anybody reading this who is somewhat capable of texturing - everything you see that is grey is currently texture-less. I really really would like them to get textures since it so much improves the look & feel of the level...
what can I say - wow! Very good job there bro! If you don't mind I would like to advise to redo the yellow side railings. They are kinda... fat. Should be more thin and gentle, will greatly add to the look I guess. But this is just my IMHO.

Current status of the first level of No Remorse. Only the fans work so far (and half the camera's - still have to find out why the duplicated camera's won't turn)

Cyberion, are you sure about the railings? I thought they were this fat in the original too...
Ran it on my work system (P43.0GHz + 2.5GB of DDR2 with a GeForce 8400GS). It performed horribly (as expected from that low of a system) but it was decent enough to where I could look around and move as long as I didnt try and rush it. Great work sir! Now if we could find someone to help out with the textures hmmm
Ok, I checked it as well. And I have to agree, it requires a lot of optimisation. However I imagine the amount of work you put into this. It's increadible bro. Keep it going!

And as for the yellow railing. Inside they look ok indeed. So my idea about "fat" railings was wrong ;)
Cyberion link said:
lol, the silencer ;) What is it?
That's the silencer, after having been dropped to the ground. His bones now move separately and are joined together (although at the moment, just joined together to stay together, they don't yet have the real knee-limitations). So I've also created a silencer model :)