Get Videos To Work On Both Crusader Games w/o CD?

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Hey, I currently have both Crusader: No Regret, and No Remorse but have damaged my CD's past repair.  Luckily I uploaded the files onto my harddrive and can play the game on DosBox but the video files are non existant and do not play at the beginning or end of the game.  Also, the videos from the little video-feed device that Crusader uses do not show up.  Can anyone help me out with this problem?  Much appreciated

how can we help you in this matter?

The only solution I see here is to try to repair the original CD or buy a new one from ebay for example. It costs around $5 only (if it is available of course). You also may try to use this software - it helps in retrieving the files from bad CDs.

Officially we do not provide the sharing of videos from the original games and we will never do it, because in that case every person can download cracked 40mb archive of No Regret for example, download our videos and play the game. We believe that Crusader deserves to be played legally. And $5 is not that much for the ultimate action game of all times.
oooppss seems I misunderstood what you meant. lol. anyway I guess Keenan fully answered your question. Sorry, i'm just a bit tired :D
It is indeed. especially the fact that NONE of the "movies" play 'n stuff..has to be pirated stuff...
Not a cracked copy, purchased  No Regret and No Remorse in 98' at Walmart for 10$ a piece.  I played the games for a good while but forgot about it for a few years.  Once I purchased a Windows XP formatted Dell I realized you couldn't play the game since DOS mode was no longer in use so I transferred the files onto my hard drive in vain effort to find some other way to get the game working.  I just figured out about DosBox last October...  Unfortunately many old computer games I had were garage saled, including one of the discs of my Star Wars Rebel Assault.  So now all I have is whatever I ripped off the Crusader discs.  As proof
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