No Regret Defeating the Robo-Boss


New member
Towards the very end of No Regret - Loose Cannon, you enter a large open room that has some small boxes, 2 switches, and a computer.  The boss is guy in a robo suit (I apologize for my lack of Crusader terminology) who fires rockets and other very deadly weaponry.  He also seems to have a blue forcefield on him and can't be damaged.  I cannot seem to get past this part as he always blasts me with the rockets.  I try to hit the switch that is located in the front of the room on the desk, and then run to the back left where there is another switch.  I've only done this once, deactivated the force-fielded room in the back left and got on the computer.  The computer allowed me to use a yellow robot which did me no good and as soon as that was destroyed so was crusader.  How do I kill the boss or deactivate the laser wall in the back so I can get on the telepad?

Thank you
Draygan is pretty hard to defeat as he can rip you apart in a second.
I have no real tactic except for killing him before he does the same with me  :D

However you could try to get cover behind the railing on the left side of the room and shoot with uv9/rocket launcher. He takes a lot of damage but soon he will fall, best way is try to avoid direct confrontation with him.

There is also a cheap way to defeat the bosses in crusader by abusing their lack of AI/game glitches but I'm not telling those because...ya they are cheap  :)
Lt.JC link said:
Draygan is pretty hard to defeat as he can rip you apart in a second.
I have no real tactic except for killing him before he does the same with me  :D

However you could try to get cover behind the railing on the left side of the room and shoot with uv9/rocket launcher. He takes a lot of damage but soon he will fall, best way is try to avoid direct confrontation with him.

There is also a cheap way to defeat the bosses in crusader by abusing their lack of AI/game glitches but I'm not telling those because...ya they are cheap  :)

Can I even damage him since he has the forcefield on?
You can wear the force field down by continuousness firing on him, like your shield will wear down if you don't replenish your battery with energy cubes. Just keep firing and evade his shots, there really isn't another way.
Well, I have my own tactic for handling Draygan in his suit... It's sort of a "cheat", but gets the job done.

When I approach the door leading to Draygan's room I place the Silencer in a spot near the door separating Draygan's room and the antechamber. Before Draygan speaks his line and the door gets jammed locking the Silencer inside I drop all my detpacks, mines and pocket bettys at the door's height basically creating such a pile that prevents the door from closing. :)

Having "jammed" the door open I take a step ahead, let Draygan speak and then back out of the door asap. I use the wall in the "antechamber" room as cover from Draygan's fire (don't stay too close to the wall or the splash damage from the rockets will kill you) and fire UV-9 blasts. When Draygan gets near the pile of explosives laid by the door I set them off and watch the fireworks.

Usually the explosive blast and some UV-9 shots get the job done and you're rewarded with a dead Draygan... :)

The downside is that if you don't soften Draygan with the UV-9 before using the explosives then the chances of survival in the antechamber are almost zero...

If I find some time I'll post a screenshot of the "explosives pile" jamming the door.
On higher difficulty levels, Draygan is very difficult if you fight him the normal way.

My method is similar to Berserker79's. I barricade the door with detpacs and/or pocket betties. I don't recommend using land mines (you might blow yourself up).

I don't detonate the bombs when Draygan gets close. I simply use them to: 1) prevent the door from closing and 2) prevent Draygan from getting in.

If you try to kill Draygan with the bombs, not all will detonate at once. The explosions from some could propel the rest of the bombs around the room, possibly killing you.

Here's a video I made using this strategy. I'm a little sloppy here, but you should get the basic idea:
You two just described the cheap trick I was mentioning  :p

Well use it if you cant beat him but I prefer the normal way  :mask:
I beat him on all four levels by making sure I was standing as close to the door as possible, then center the screen with Z. Draygan goes of the screen which means he doesn't start shooting yet (only visible enemies shoot) but you can shoot into his generally direction and hit him. I just sprayed him with AR-7 or XP-5 blasts (take a weapon with high daamge output but also rapid fire) to wear him down to the max until he comes in range, then it's making sure you evade him and keep firing at him. However this "cheat" sounds interesting, I will go try it once.
saucykobold link said:
On higher difficulty levels, Draygan is very difficult if you fight him the normal way.

My method is similar to Berserker79's. I barricade the door with detpacs and/or pocket betties. I don't recommend using land mines (you might blow yourself up).

I don't detonate the bombs when Draygan gets close. I simply use them to: 1) prevent the door from closing and 2) prevent Draygan from getting in.

If you try to kill Draygan with the bombs, not all will detonate at once. The explosions from some could propel the rest of the bombs around the room, possibly killing you.

Here's a video I made using this strategy. I'm a little sloppy here, but you should get the basic idea:

Nice video saucykobold! :)

BTW, you are right about land mines: I avoid using them too. The risk of getting blown by your own mine is relatively high...

You are also right about not all detpacs or pocket betties detonating in one massive explosion. It's been a while since my last run through No Regret, but I seem to remember that I avoid the bombs being propelled around the room by pressing very fast the B key while the first explosion is still ongoing.

Also, if you weaken Draygan enough the first explosion is enough to kill him and it is not necessary to detonate the remaining bombs (which may have flown around...). ;)
I just don't use the AR-7 throughout the game and unload my full ammo store when I get to Draygan.  What's that?  A weapon that fires multiple explosive projectiles as fast as the AC-88?  Yes please.