Crusader: No Hope 3D?

unfortunately we still do nto have programmer to start on doing something. We have the tools, we have the engine, we have a world builder, we have everything, except the guy who can programme :d lol

I'm most eager to do the models for the game than ever.
I think we should start making the models now, even if once they are completed they are all uploaded and saved on this site somewhere as a general modding resource, that way they can be used for moding or converting other games or as a full developement game.
I have some experience in C# programming. Nothing on the game side though. All in house software for a finance company...
So willing to try help out.. Still cant see any screen shots whats up?


thx for the offer Dave. It would be great to have a programmer at our side. However we are currently engaged in HL2 mod: Regret. So working on No Hope 3D will have to wait. Otherwise it will be a huge burden to carry on. I was thinking on starting the other project after we are done with HL2 Mod.

But, you can join our development of that mod. As programmers are also needed there bro. -
But I can see that you already posted there ;)
I'm also a programmer and a crusader fanatic. I've played the game first about 12 years ago, when I had a computer with a slight problem (at about the time I bought crusader:no remorse). The CPU fan had fallen off. Back then, that meant that it would overheat after about 5 minutes, causing glitches in the execution of programs. In my case, in the execution of Crusader. Somebody had left assertions in, causing the game to stop with an error in one of the files, naming it explicitly. The game of course did nothing wrong, the CPU did. That left so much of an impression on me that it was my sole reason to learn C++ (as it mentioned that the error was in this&that.cpp).

I'm currently working full-time in the informatics field as a C++/C# programmer whilst teaching C++ to newcomers. I'm working on a game engine because of a related project with respect to a RTS game which I can, I think, fairly easily adjust to fit a more crusader like game. The engine can move stuff about but there are no physics, no advanced graphical effects and no optimizations in it yet - so it's not in any way like Irrlicht or something that makes game programming easy.

I'd like to, over the course of the next few months (up to september, for personal reasons) to work on a crusader: no hope implementation in this engine side-by-side with the RTS. I think it could become the project you're working towards. There's one problem from my side though: I can do all the programming, but I totally suck at modelling, texturing, audio recording and so forth. I'm a logical algorithmic guy - if I have the models and the levels, I can make them work. I just can't make them anything beyond the basic level if I have to do it myself.

I've downloaded the models I could find here so far and I'm going to try to see what I can make of them. I've also downloaded the fan-made level1 animation and extracted the first two rooms so when/if I have a level creation thing I can put it in and test with that.

Just a bit of a heads up - I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything. If the HL2 mod works out, so be it and you can completely ignore me. I'd just like to try :)

Regards & good luck with the HL2 mod,
hey Candy!

No way we are going to ignore you. Especialy you are after Level Editor... heheh no way!

Welcome to our community, I hope you find it pleasant to stay here. Every Crusader fan counts bro, every ;)

I would highly appreciate your will to work on No Hope with us. I put this project on hold because of the alck of programming knowledge. It took me the way to long to code... so I got very tired and bored.

I'm ready to assist in this field and consult and give any support I can for your programming findings :p

Later (within few months) I'll make a 3d model of 1st level for you. Without textures of course, just naked 3D model of level with the right geometry. So you can start your tests ;) Also have to arrange some stuff for HL2: mod guys :p So let's keep in touch. My skype is cyber1on. Email is in my profile.
Cyberion link said:
I would highly appreciate your will to work on No Hope with us. I put this project on hold because of the alck of programming knowledge. It took me the way to long to code... so I got very tired and bored.
Can imagine. You need just the knack for programming or you'll get bored really quickly.
Later (within few months) I'll make a 3d model of 1st level for you. Without textures of course, just naked 3D model of level with the right geometry. So you can start your tests ;) Also have to arrange some stuff for HL2: mod guys :p So let's keep in touch. My skype is cyber1on. Email is in my profile.
Sure thing. I'll add you to my skype - do keep in mind I'm Dutch and that I won't be online during US regular hours. Also, I need to get a microphone so you can hear me too ;)

Just a small update on the progress of the engine generically:
- Started adding menu to it. Ripped the original background image from No Remorse, touched it up a bit (removed the text), have it in OpenGL now. Need something to put behind it (some level or something, but that can wait) and need to get the font working for me to have a working menu.
- Isometric projection added, got projection methods worked out nicely now - you can switch at runtime with very little cost. There's an orthogonal (top-down, like old RTS games for the other game), isometric (C&C:TS or No Remorse style) and true 3D (like any current game - as long as anybody cares to describe the camera position & movement to me). I'm thinking about setting the Isometric one to default, to keep in touch with the original Crusader style
- Preparations for other display modes than 640*480. Not for any particular reason but I just started with that one and I've kind of hardcoded it in a few places. I've removed a bit of the hardcoding and got a bit more generic stuff going.

Todos for the next few weeks:
- Sound, in particular background sounds. Found a basic OGG player, need to integrate it (and OpenAL) into the code. This would also be usable for short sound effects such as the "click" for a selection.
- Video. Have a basic Xvid player working, need to figure out how to get an mpeg4 stream from an avi file.
- Menu navigation. At the moment the menu is dead and doesn't even have options. It should handle mouse & keyboard input.
- GameController basics. This class handles the game specifics and game-global state such as whether you're in the menu. Right now it just draws the menu and does nothing other than that.
- Font drawing or menu item drawing. Whichever comes first - the menu items are just words that can be drawn on top of something.
- Skeletal animation.
- Actually having working settings in the menu. Even if you could go to a menu item, it wouldn't work.
- Physics basics. Just the basic "object doesn't hover in air" and "object doesn't penetrate floor" stuff. I'm considering researching a few physics topics but I'm going to have to see whether they become relevant. I think they will:
    - object structure rigidity. This would mean that any rigid object (like a box) has fracture points (like joints, but fixed) that are either completely rigid or completely broken. ATM I think a single point of failure would be ok - IE, when one breaks all of them break. That way, you could hit a box with a rocket and it would fly off as a dozen wooden planks instead.
    - sub-object fracturing. This is the basic glass-splinter or wood-break thing that allows a single convex object to fragment according to a single high-energy impact. No clue on how to really do this, just an idea.
- Advanced physics stuff. In particular, as we'll like the AR-7 and the GL-303, explosion physics.
- Using HDR
- Pixel shaders, vertex shaders...
- Really advanced graphical stuff.

Of course,the last few items (and the stuff that isn't coupled to 3d rendering stuff) will be done a bit later, so we can have a playable demo first. I can convert the HL2 models to a format that my engine can take so I'll try to hack together a basic level for testing.

One major point of issue - does anybody have a Crusader model? or any other guy, for that matter? The running-moving-shooting stuff of a crusader is the most important part and I can't start with that until I can at least see what I'm doing...

I'll post a screenshot as soon as the menu does something pointful.
There is no known model for the Silencer, but there is a way to study the Silencer's animations to create your own model... Use the Crusader Explorer tool we have for download in Modding Tools, and extract each image for model referencing.
well I'm from Russia, so we are almost on the same timezones :p

as for 3D Crusader model. There is none. However as Goku already mentioned, all Crusader animations can be viewed by using Crusader Explorer tool, which is in our download section.
Cool, I have a friend who's also a pixel artist and he was thinking of making a crusader mod for Doom. He's from France. You guys heard of Zdaemon or skulltag? It's a nice a program to play doom mods and play them online. I did a silencer head for the doom marine last week. I'll try to post it up sometime. I think it doesn't look.
Bboy Silencer link said:
Cool, I have a friend who's also a pixel artist and he was thinking of making a crusader mod for Doom. He's from France. You guys heard of Zdaemon or skulltag? It's a nice a program to play doom mods and play them online. I did a silencer head for the doom marine last week. I'll try to post it up sometime. I think it doesn't look.

looking forwaward seeing it.
perhaps stupid question, but maybe easier create total conversion of proper game? less coding, less human resources, faster to develop...
ramirez link said:
perhaps stupid question, but maybe easier create total conversion of proper game? less coding, less human resources, faster to develop...

hmmm I do nto think total conversion is very easy way. With total conversion you total recode (convert) the game you are basing your conversion on. So it basicaly mean you still have to put much energy into this. With your own engine you are more flexible in that case. However, it all depends.